The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
I mentioned last week that there had been zoom meetings with the District Grand Masters and the Provincial Grand Masters. These meetings are important for various reasons – they afford the opportunity to seek assistance to issues or problems; they provide a platform to discuss forward planning at all levels of the organisation; they offer the chance to promote new ideas and share successful projects or initiatives that could effectively be used by others. I am hoping that as we move forward the meetings with the District and Provincial Grand Masters will become more formalised and give them a greater say in the strategic planning of the Scottish Craft.
Some of the issues that were raised a week past Saturday included the setting up of Working Parties in each District and Province to tackle specific issues in that District or Province. The composition of the Working Parties would be at the discretion of the District and Provincial Grand Masters, but it would be expected that Brethren with appropriate skill sets would be invited to participate.
Given that some Lodges are experiencing difficulty in electing Administrative Office-bearers, it was felt that training days for Secretaries and Treasurers at District or Provincial level or inter Provincial or District level would be beneficial to all. Grand Lodge would be happy to support such training days in whatever practical way was felt necessary.
It is also important at this time that all Lodges ensure that they have an effective Almoner and that all Almoners are given appropriate support to carry out their duties. In particular, the Care and Benevolence Committee are aware of the rise in mental health issues and have produced excellent wallet-sized pamphlets containing useful information about where and how help can be accessed.
The pamphlets can be made available to the Districts, but each District would need to produce its own version with information appropriate to its area. If your District or Province has not yet seen or actioned the pamphlet, please contact Mrs Dawn Oliff at 96 George Street and copies will be sent to you.
It was interesting to learn that one of our Districts has decided that if men won’t go to prostate clinics, “we’ll take the clinic to you”. They have commissioned a van appropriately logoed that goes out into communities to encourage men to undergo testing and by all accounts has had much success. Food for thought!
I’m looking forward to being in Aberdeen this weekend to reinstall Brother Ian M Williamson as Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeen City on Friday night. In the same venue on Saturday, we will Rededicate the Lodge of Aberdeen 1ter to celebrate their 350th Anniversary.
- The Group saw its membership rise to 6444 Brethren from not only the Scottish Constitution but from many of our Sister Constitutions throughout the world.
- This week saw the total examples of charitable giving recorded within the group rise to 1175, submitted by 365 of its members.
- These updated contributions can now be attributed as to being made on behalf of 381 Lodges, from within 56 of its Provincial Grand Lodges, District Grand Lodges, Superintendencies and Lodges abroad under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge.
- During the week posts were submitted by group members representing the Provinces of Ayrshire, Edinburgh, Fife & Kinross, Forfarshire, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, Linlithgowshire, Perthshire East, Perthshire West and Ross & Cromarty.
- The total identifiable monetary value of the contributions now recorded has risen to £2,188,954.
SCFS Overseas Report
- With the focus this week being on sharing the wonderful examples of support being provided by our Brethren at home and in our Overseas Lodges and Districts, it is very heartening to note that the number of Brethren (ICMs) from Lodges whose Grand Lodges are in amity with the GLoS, and who are spreading news, worldwide, of this outstanding support, has now reached 1373, with the 1400 milestone quickly approaching. Included in that number this week were Brethren from Lodges such as the wonderfully named Singing River Lodge, No. 633, in Mississippi, and Trevor Mold Lodge, No. 3293, in
- We welcomed Brethren from the following: United GLs of Germany, GL of California, GL of Mississippi, UGLE, GL of Virginia, GL of India.
- Equally heartening are the comments from our Overseas members (Overseas membership is currently 1734) and ICMs (from other Masonic Constitutions) on published posts. This feedback has been very encouraging and really appreciated by those Brethren, Lodges and Districts who have taken the time to share news of their support within the immediate, and for the wider, community.
We would encourage our Overseas Lodges and Districts to continue sharing news of their excellent support of others and look forward to publishing posts from them.
My sincere thanks and that of my Deputation for the very warm welcome and generous hospitality we received from the Master, Office-bearers and Brethren of Lodge Scoon & Perth No 3 and congratulations on the working of an excellent Master Mason Degree.
Finally, as always, please stay safe and look after each other.
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason