On Saturday 16 March, 2013, The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West held the Installation of the Provincial Grand Master and his Commissioned Office-bearers within the Greenock Town Hall.
The ceremony was conducted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Charles Ian Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, assisted by the Office-bearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Over 200 brethren were in attendance from all over Scotland, including representatives from the other Provincial Grand Lodges.
The ceremony commenced with the members of Grand Lodge being led by into the Lodge by brethren of “The Pipers Lodge” – Lodge The Gael No. No.609, accompanied by Bro. Nicholas Donnelly of Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No. 217.
The Installation was carried out with all the pomp expected from such an occasion.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason obligated and installed Provincial Grand Master Bro. James Pearston Livingstone.
He then Obligated and installed Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. John R. S. Keith and Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Robert P. Shields.
Substitute Grand Master Bro. Alexander Galbraith, obligated and installed Provincial Grand Secretary Bro. Robin McIntyre and Provincial Grand Chaplain, Bro. Rev. David Mitchell.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the brethren adjourned to the main Town Hall, where the enjoyed an excellent meal, while being entertained by Mr Craig Dunsmore on piano followed by members of Brass Sound Inverclyde.
At the conclusion of the meal, the following toasts were proposed with suitable replies.
The Queen and to the Grand Lodge of Scotland by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Livingstone with a very humorous response by the Grand Master.
Brother John S Miller of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East offered a toast to the Province of Renfrewshire West with a reply by the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, Brother James W Miller.
The toast to the Daughter Lodges was made by Depute Provincial Grand Master, Brother John Keith with an excellent response by Brother Gerard C Robertson, Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No. 217.
Substitute Provincial Grand Master Brother Robert P Shields proffered the toast to the Visiting Brethren with a humorous (and surprisingly fairly short) response being provided by Brother Archibald Chalmers, Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Ayrshire.
The Provincial Grand Secretary, Brother Robin McIntyre offered a vote of thanks to all who assisted in so many different ways, some in very tangible offers of assistance, some by their stewarding of the event and some simply by their very best wishes and messages of encouragement.
The Depute Provost of Inverclyde Council, Bro. David Wilson, also took the opportunity to welcome all brethren to Inverclyde. He hoped they had enjoyed their brief visit enough to return at a later date and enjoy the facilities the area had to offer.
At the conclusion of the formal part of the evening, the brethren continued in harmony.